About us

Tira d.o.o.

The first steps of the company manager, which led to today successful company, were made in 1993. year. Was founded in 2009 and was the importer of raw materials at the beginning of work. After three years, the company buys equipment for the processing of raw materials. Today Tira deals with the direct import of raw materials, peeling, selection, baking and packaging of raw materials, both for their own needs and for the provision of various services to third parties.

Is located in Simanovci, where there is a spacious and modern equipped warehouse that covers 4,000 square meters. At the same location there is the administrative building Tire.

Tira is trying to meet customers’ demands for mutual satisfaction and successful cooperation.

Raw, baked & fried products

Tira d.o.o.
Crude products

For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.

Roasted products

For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.

Fried products

For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.

Product categories

Tira d.o.o.

Predjelo, zakuska ili hors d’œuvre predstavlja hranu koja se služi pre glavnog jela.

Grain products

For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.

Dehidrated and dry fruit

The advantage of dry fruit is that its energy comes very quickly into the bloodstream, which is why it is especially recommended for athletes after training.


Žitarice su jednogodišnje biljke iz porodice trava (Gramineae), čiji zrnasti plodovi (žita) služe za ishranu i kao sirovina u prehrambenoj industriji.


Musli is a popular breakfast cereal-based breakfast and dried fruit.

Palm oil Palm oil

Palmino oil is naturally reddish due to high beta-carotene content.


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Statistika 020%
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Statistika 040%

Brendovi & Klijent

Contact us

You can call us by phone, write an email or come to us.

Call us: +381 22 480 182; +381 22 480 183

We are available for questions, suggestions, come to look at our new space and to present our products in a pleasant atmosphere and agree on cooperation for mutual satisfaction.

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